Category: Health

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The truth about acidosis: myths, facts and healthy eating tips (part 1)

Acidosis - a controversial topic that has been stirring up controversy for years and has given rise to numerous opinions and theories. But what is really behind the term "hyperacidity"? In this comprehensive article, we will dive deep into the matter, analyze scientific findings and provide healthy eating tips to give you a comprehensive understanding of this topic. Introduction The...
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Insulin resistance - just a trend or has the cause of obesity finally been deciphered?

Insulin resistance is not a fad, but an actual metabolic disorder that prevents the body from using insulin effectively. Insulin resistance has been considered an important factor in the development of overweight and obesity for many years. In recent years, science has learned a great deal about the role of insulin resistance in the development of metabolic disorders and obesity. Insulin resistance...
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Acidosis of the body - the cause of many diseases? What does science say?

Acidosis of the body occurs when the pH value of the blood and tissue falls below the normal range of 7.35 to 7.45. This can be due to various causes, such as an unhealthy diet, dehydration, metabolic disorders, respiratory diseases and stress. Causes of acidosis in the body Nutrition An unhealthy diet, rich in acid-forming foods such as...
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