The synergistic effect of ultrasound (3 MHz) and electrical stimulation: an overview with current studies

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The synergistic effect of ultrasound (3 MHz) and electrical stimulation: an overview with current studies


In modern physiotherapy and rehabilitation, various technologies are combined to achieve optimal healing and pain relief. Two such technologies are ultrasound and electrical stimulation. In this blog post, we explore the individual benefits of ultrasound at a frequency of 3 MHz and electrical stimulation and the potential synergistic effects of their simultaneous application.

What is ultrasound therapy?

Ultrasound therapy uses sound waves at high frequencies to achieve therapeutic effects in the body. The frequency of 3 MHz is often used to treat deeper layers of tissue.

Mechanisms of action of ultrasound (3 MHz)

  1. Deep heat: Ultrasound generates deep heat in the tissue, which increases blood circulation and promotes the healing process.
  2. Micromassage: Mechanical vibrations act like a micromassage, improving cell metabolism and the permeability of cell membranes.
  3. Pain relief: Heating and micromassage can relieve pain and muscle tension.
  4. Tissue regeneration: Promotes the healing of soft tissue injuries such as tendon and muscle injuries.

What is electrostimulation?

Electrical stimulation uses electrical impulses to cause muscle contractions. This technology is often used in rehabilitation, fitness and for pain relief.

LIPOSANA3 and LIPOSANA3+ combine these two well-known technologies in a patented system that combines up to 6 different technologies at the same time.

Mechanisms of action of electrical stimulation

  1. Muscle contractions: Causes muscle contractions that help strengthen and condition muscles.
  2. Circulation stimulation: Improves circulation and metabolism in the treated area.
  3. Pain relief: Interrupts pain signals and releases endorphins, which have a pain-relieving effect.
  4. Improving muscle control: Helps to improve neuromuscular control and coordination, especially after injury or surgery.

The synergistic effect of ultrasound and electrostimulation

Synergistic effects

The simultaneous use of ultrasound and electrical stimulation can enhance the benefits of both therapies. Here are some of the synergistic effects:

  1. Increased blood circulation and healing: The combination can further improve blood circulation and cell metabolism, which accelerates the healing of injuries.
  2. Improved pain relief: Both therapies have a pain-relieving effect, and their combined use can lead to more intensive and longer-lasting pain relief.
  3. More effective muscle stimulation: The deep heat of ultrasound can promote muscle relaxation, which can make electrostimulation more effective as the muscles respond better to stimulation.


In physiotherapy facilities, the combination of ultrasound and electrical stimulation is often used to speed up the healing process, improve muscle function and relieve pain. Here are some specific areas of application:

  • Muscle and tendon injuries: Promotes healing and reduces recovery time.
  • Chronic pain and muscle tension: Provides lasting pain relief and improves quality of life.
  • Post-operative rehabilitation measures: Supports recovery and strengthens weakened muscles.
  • Sports injuries: Helps athletes return to full performance faster.


The combination of ultrasound (3 MHz) and electrical stimulation offers a powerful method of promoting healing, pain relief and muscle strengthening. Through the synergistic effects of these two technologies, patients can benefit from a more intensive and efficient therapy. The specific treatment parameters should be customized to achieve the best possible results.

Here you will find studies that deal with the combined use of ultrasound and electrical stimulation in therapy:

  1. Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation combined with early rehabilitation therapy on mechanically ventilated patients:
    This study investigates the effectiveness of the combination of neuromuscular electrical stimulation and early rehabilitation in patients who are mechanically ventilated. It shows that the combined therapy reduces muscle atrophy and improves rehabilitation.
  2. The effect of phasic versus combined neuromuscular electrical stimulation using the StimaWELL 120MTRS system on multifidus muscle morphology and function in patients with chronic low back pain:
    This randomized controlled trial investigates the effects of phasic and combined neuromuscular electrical stimulation on multifidus muscle morphology and function in patients with chronic low back pain. The results indicate that the combined therapy can significantly improve muscle stiffness and function.
  3. Efficacy and Safety of a Stimulator Using Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Combined with Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation in Patients with Painful Knee Osteoarthritis:
    This study investigates the efficacy and safety of the combined use of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in patients with painful knee osteoarthritis. The results show significant pain relief and improvement in functional abilities.

These studies provide valuable insights into the potential benefits and applications of the combined therapy of ultrasound and electrical stimulation.

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